Sunday, October 30, 2005

FREE INYOKERN! ....................................................................................................................................As I'm trying to break from backissues of life (housing, work, partners, goats...) I'll take a few minutes to confirm my ulterior motives: corrupt a largely redneck-populated formal sport into the joys of neo left coast 21st cent. alternative fuel-powered drag racing with a pagan twist. HAR!
The imminent demise of a perfect venue for such activity has me bunched. Fifty one years of serene Dust Devil activity on a barely used tarmac is coming to an end. The east Kern county strip is worthy, if anything is, of historical site sanctuary. The blatent bigotry against technical ecstacy by the GMan referenced in the LA Times dated Oct. 10th '05 grates me no end. At the least, a lawsuit and desist order pending examination of the airport's contributions to the community rates. At the most.....but, bracket racers with 40 grand diggers and 120 grand mobilee homes aren't really civil disobedience types....or are they?


At 8:15 AM , Blogger Big Ford Fan said...

Rev, I wonder if you saw a piece on the Discovery Channel earlier this year about Electric Dragsters?

There was a guy who built an old Postal van with Electric motors for drag racing. Very impressive performance, even with the bugs, like belts breaking it was fun.


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