Tuesday, August 23, 2005


This is the somewhat more spontaneous epilogue for the 21st century of the written appreciation of our sport which I danced around during the daze of Nitronic Research.
I will do my best to pull few punches, while attempting respect for scene and subject.
Drag racing is getting more complicated all the time; possibly more so than any era since
Lions was shut down. There is beauty in this. Also, more form for possibility. More features,
more classes. More, if one looks at the very BIG definition of our sport- not making one
proportionally small interest define it all. I am actively suiting up and showing up at
everything from pro street cars and bikes to Goodguys points meets. I intend to publish
observations with dear "Unk" Richard Heath for as long as his benefactors allow. I am
not deluded into thinking that such a large wallet-laden sport such as which exists for
commercial reembursment today will tolerate much opinion. So many...how the kids
say today?...nuances of the sport are active, however, to keep 'em down on the farmyard
of their minds...until such a time as mind expansion creates such inclusivness that will
encourage simultaneous, interdependence as we've seen in the past when FUN was
I'm NOT doing this daily! I DO welcome nonflammable dialogue--face to face and
professionally performed would be preferred. Stay independent--see you at Kent
Sat. at the GGuys meet-------ask for me at the Winged Exress pits.


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